Kore Player 2.11

Kore Player 2.11

Free Giant virtual sound warehouse with powerful finding tools
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5

What is KORE PLAYER? That’s the question that we are going to try to answer here. You can picture KORE PLAYER as a huge warehouse of sounds where you can find virtually any sound you want. You'll find the right sounds to compose the melodies coming from your heart.
The thing is that the amount of different sounds can get enormous and an appropriate warehouse would need to have two important aspects taken care of. The first one is the classification of sounds into categories and according to certain parameters of relevance. The second one is an effective and quick way to find out what you are looking for. Needless to say that KORE PLAYER has developed these two aspects very well.
When you open KORE PLAYER you will see a virtual console or panel with an incredible reality achieved, with knobs and buttons everywhere. Of course, everyone has an important function to do. On the lower part of the panel you will see the Browser section with a huge list of sounds organized into Types, Mode and Soundpacks. For each selection made under the Type list, the right section of the window will display the sounds options available organized according to: Name of the sound, Bank where the sound is included, Color with which the sound was classified and Rating with a five stars scale. This right section holds the results of the searches you make.
Once you have selected the sound you want it to play! Yes, favorite moment has arrived so take your MIDI keyboard – which of course is a pre requisite to use KORE PLAYER – and start playing.
When you’re playing you can tweak the sounds using the knobs and buttons available. The parameters to tweak are the following:
• Morph X and Y.
• Cutoff.
• Detune.
• FX Mix.
• Delay Feedback.
• Attack.
• Release.
A distinctive feature of this virtual sound bank is that you can remotely control it from your MIDI keyboard. To do this, you have to go through a few steps to synchronize your MIDI keyboard with KORE PLAYER, but it’s really quick and easy to do.
You can access to this professional application for free which is pretty amazing, so go ahead and give it a try. You will get satisfied.

LM Senior editor
Lionel Mira
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Review summary


  • Freeware software
  • You can remotely control it from a MIDI keyboard


  • Requires activation via Internet
  • Only available in English
  • Error in the web to get the free activation serial


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